Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The Logic of Fascism and Communism

Fascism could not have arisen without communism. The term is derived from the Italian word fascia (i.e. bundle of twigs as a symbol of power), meaning civic cooperation.

Against what? Against communism. Large numbers of people became poor in the aftermath of the 1st World War, revolution was in the air. The revolutionaries took power in Russia. This is what fascists sought to prevent in Europe.

Support for fascism came from the lower middle class that had lost its livelihood to the war (1914-1918) and to the great depression (1928-1936, caused by the financial aristocracy) and was scared by the heinous crimes of communism (the Holocaust of at least 5 million Ukrainians by Stalin, 1932-1933, which communist intellectuals complicitly played down).

Had these circumstances not coincided, fascism would have been dead in the water, it could not have come to power anywhere. Which makes the fight against fascism per se totally groundless. If similar circumstances (war, poverty, great depression, heinous communist crimes) combine again, there will be no stopping fascism, don't even try. So long as similar circumstances don't combine, fascism will be toothless, don't fret superfluously. If you want no fascism, don't fight it, fight the root causes (war, poverty, financial wrongdoing, intellectuals' Jedi mind tricks, heinous communism).

In terms of social groups, fascism is the lower middle class's response to the lower class seizing power. Since the lower class was helped to power by communist intellectuals, the lower middle class naturally hated intellectuals. Communist intellectuals turned the lower class against society and in response, the lower middle class sought to eliminate communist intellectuals. The rest is history. In order to prevent its repetition, the middle class should not wait for a crisis but raise the lower class in due time, and also put checks on communist intellectuals and the financial aristocracy to prevent the root causes from ever arising again.

Agree or disagree? Drop a comment.

1 comment:

  1. That is it exactly! Any who hate Fascism may as well also hate Communism.
