Friday, 9 January 2015

I'm NOT Charlie Hebdo

I'm not fighting religion like Charlie Hebdo. The fight against religion has killed far, far more people than all the religions combined.

I don't believe France is a secular country, like Charlie Hebdo believes. France is based on the values of a silent Christian majority, that's a hard fact.

I don't mean to offend like Charlie Hebdo. I think it's in people's best interest to think coherently, even if that sometimes causes them to question received axioms. Such as the axiom that all religions are equal, i.e. equally bad. What if they are not equal, nor equally bad?

Let's pause to consider that.

In fact, Christianity is the only religion in the world that stands the critical thinking world improvement test. This makes it the best religion in the world and places it over atheism. Atheism doesn't stand the critical thinking world improvement test. Islam doesn't pass that test. Nor does Judaism. Then in what sense would they be equal? Certainly not in the sense of improving the world, where Christianity is in a league of its own.

If Judaists sticking with the old ways after Jesus had been critical thinkers, they would have realised that either Jesus was THEIR Messiah, or there would never be a Messiah for them, ever, so they might as well fish with Jesus or cut bait altogether.

If Muhammad had been a critical thinker 600 years after Jesus, he would have found it counter-productive for humanity's well-being to start a new religion on desert sand, without any foundation - and to use violence, on top of all, to propagate it. That's totally unacceptable for any humane thinker. It means you have to suspend coherent thinking to become a Muslim, which explains the abominable violence that has accompanied "total submission to God" since the outset.

If Jesus had been a critical thinker... well, he was a terrific critical thinker, which is why he did the things he did. And which is why it's in everyone's best interest to try and implement his teaching. Since Jesus passes the critical thinking world improvement test with flying colours, feel free to challange him. Like Charlie Hebdo. Go ahead, make our day. Jesus wins any critical thinking world improvement debate hands down.

Christians don't use violence to spread their good news, good news spreads on its own. You look at prosperous communities in the West and envy them for the prosperity they achieved with Jesus. Challengers don't meet violent ends, because they are trumped by logic, reason and critical thinking. Just like the silent French Christian majority has let Charlie Hebdo do what it did over the years. Things could have gone on that way forever, were it not for those who use violence to force total submission to... well, brutality. Armed radical bullying is a last refuge for those whose ideas don't stand the critical thinking world improvement test or any rational market review. They will fail even with arms, as their concepts are not marketable and don't lead to anything like the peace and prosperity achieved with Jesus.

Charlie Hebdo never stood a chance in a rational debate with the Messiah, and those who brutally murdered Charlie Hebdo staff don't stand even a fighting chance in that debate, theirs is a groundless, merciless, mindless, inherently lost cause. Moreover, their kind of behaviour does not belong in the land of the Messiah's peace and prosperity.

I am NOT Charlie Hebdo, since I know better, but I am NOT a mindless Charlie Hebdo hater either, because I'm confident that reason with Jesus the Messiah will save the day and improve the world.

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